Sunday, December 27, 2009

Girls were made for dresses and they wear them in a cabin


But there's plenty of Christmas left to go round!! Thankfully tomorrow I have work, my job pulls me away, but for now I'm stuck in the house. That ice, blastful, cold, dark ice!! It has locked me in and caused me to get locked with my family for the last few days. Captain Morgan, you have served me well and it's the dog that has kept me sane. Cabin fever has indeed been kicking in. My family is tolerable but in small doses, stuck with them for 3 days is far more then a small dose. My only real escape has been what Santa provided me with, my lovely new computer!! Oh Apple, you created a fine thing for me to use. The internet really has kept me connected and for that I am thankful. I also have my lovely dresses. I tried on a few dresses and decided what to wear out tomorrow night!! I can easily amuse myself for hours trying on different dresses, trying out different hair and make-up with each dress, deciding when and where to wear each dress!! We were made for these things after all. Anyone who thinks we were made for men is mistaken, know the truth people!! I seem to be rambling again now.... It's the cabin fever again!! Hmm... all the nice sweets are all gone, the nice stuffing is all gone, all the nice tidying I did before Christmas has been reversed somehow(it's completely unexplainable even though there are at least 9 people staying in the house). Only a few days later it's as if Christmas never happened, all that proves it is the insanity and the Mac I'm left with.Oh wait, I found something else.... my big ass!! Isn't it amazing how much food we eat over Christmas?? I feel like I never stop!! At least I have plenty of free time before I go back to school to go to the gym. Last year I went to the gym on St.Stephen's day, I was very proud of that. Even if I wanted to this year the ice held me in.Now my ass is shouting at me saying "Why am I still so big?? Christmas was a few days ago!!" I have totally lost the willpower for going to the gym, I used to have a friend that I went with but now she can't come anymore. I made myself go to stop myself letting someone else down and it worked, every week. The last time I was in the gym now is absent from my memory, September I think!! Too long, considering I don't have to pay for it!! I would be grateful for a trip to the gym now, I would even wear a dress!! Because the only medicine, the only cure for cabin fever is OUT!!
I want out!!

1 comment:

  1. i'm goin thought the same thing and by the way there was 10 in your housei was in it duuhhhh with our mad auntie mary with her ditry stories aboutmeat and men's pistols pointing at her and she defo made us laugh a lot but at her not with her :D
